In this last meditation before tomorrow’s feast, the Grandmaster reminds us of the important mission our Blessed Mother continues to perform in the history of salvation.
The Gibraltar Lieutenancy will be celebrating the feat of Our Lady of Palestine tomorrow (25th October, 2021) at the Cathedral of St Mary the Crowned. Our Grand Prior, Bishop Carmel Zammit, KC*HS, will preside.
You can access the Grandmaster’s podcast on this link:
Or read it here:
“Your procession, God, has come into view,
the procession of my God and King into the sanctuary.” (Ps 68:25 NIV).
This is the vision in Psalm 67.
It is not just any procession! It is royal! Immediately, there is a great curiosity: who is in this procession?
The imaginary is confused with reality. And the reality is a fascinating woman: Mary, dressed as a Queen of the East.
In the Holy Land they still call her “Our Lady of Palestine”.
She is not holding a child in her arms, but the model of Jerusalem, or better the simulacrum of the entire Holy Land, of which she was a daughter and then mother of that new Jerusalem, born at Pentecost, which is the Church.
In October, John Paul II established her liturgical memory and the Christian population has perceived that Mary still has a special mission, which is inexhaustible.
The procession is festive, but only for those who join it and allow themselves to be led by it. So Mary is journeying and she accompanies you who love her, you who believe, and you who stand aside, critical, tired and a little resigned.
She lowers her gaze without reproach, full of consolation and prayer.
Hello there! If you want, please join the procession! It will be a new life experience.
Fernando Cardinal Filoni
(October 2021)
End of Quote
Deus lo Vult