Corpus Christi 2022

H.L Mgr C Zammit, KC*HS, Bishop of Gibraltar

Thursday 16th June, 20022, saw a return to the open-air mass and procession for the Corpus Christi feast. H.L Mgr C Zammit, KC*HS, Bishop of Gibraltar and Grand Prior of the local Lieutenancy, presided at the mass. Many diocesan priests were concelebrating, including our priors, Mgr Bear, KCHS and Mgr Azzopardi, KCHS.

CM, Fabian Picardo, QC, looks towards the Altar.

Our Lieutenant, H.E J A Gaggero, KGCHS, headed the contingent of Knights and Dames at the mass. Other local dignitaries were present; they included the Chief Minister, F Picardo, QC; the speaker of the House, Government Ministers, the Deputy Mayor and members of the opposition. Teachers, school children, parents, grandparents and members of different parishes, in effect, a great part of the local community turned up for the celebration.

Blessed Sacrament Procession

Our Chancellor, J Cortés, KC*HS, was heading the Blessed Sacrament procession. He carried the oldest banner in the Diocese. He was assisted by P Lyons, KHS. Our Knights and Dames followed, as did the local clergy and H.L Bishop Zammit (who carried Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament in the Monstrance). Our Knights and Dames formed the guard of honour at the Blessed Sacrament altar at the close of Benediction.

H.E J A Gaggero, KGCHS
High Altar, awaiting the Blessed Sacrament

The Knights and Dames also took part in the procession to the Cathedral. Although it was a short procession, it was a great relief to many to welcome back the very popular religious/cultural event, especially after having missed out on processions for so long due to Covid. Members of local Scout and Military Bands played outside the Cathedral as the children who received their first Holy Communion this May processed past.

The beautiful decorations in honour of the Blessed Sacrament

The music for the liturgy was provided by the Loreto Convent Catholic School Choir. The Cathedral Choir led the music for Benediction.

Deus lo Vult